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Show a popover on iPhone in SwiftUI

In SwiftUI, we can use the popover() modifier to present a popover when a given condition is true. By default, it shows a popover on iPad in a regular horizontal size class but turns into a sheet on iPhone.

Starting with iOS 16.4, we can use the presentationCompactAdaptation(_:) modifier to tell SwiftUI that we prefer popover presentation even in compact size classes. This modifier is applied to the view inside the popover's content.

Here’s an example of how we can show a popover for a list of ingredients in a recipe app when the user clicks on the list button:

    showIngredients: $showIngredients
.popover(isPresented: $showIngredients) {
        ingredients: recipe.ingredients

Since we indicated that we prefer a popover for compact adaptation, SwiftUI will show a popover instead of a sheet, even on a phone.

An iPhone screen shows a recipe app with a popover listing cookie ingredients An iPhone screen shows a recipe app with a popover listing cookie ingredients

If you want to build a strong foundation in SwiftUI, my new book SwiftUI Fundamentals takes a deep dive into the framework’s core principles and APIs to help you understand how it works under the hood and how to use it effectively in your projects.

For more resources on Swift and SwiftUI, check out my other books and book bundles.

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Deepen your understanding of SwiftUI!$35

The essential guide to SwiftUI core concepts and APIs

SwiftUI Fundamentalsby Natalia Panferova

  • Explore the key APIs and design patterns that form the foundation of SwiftUI
  • Develop a deep, practical understanding of how SwiftUI works under the hood
  • Learn from a former Apple engineer who worked on widely used SwiftUI APIs

Deepen your understanding of SwiftUI!

The essential guide to SwiftUI core concepts and APIs

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SwiftUI Fundamentals

by Natalia Panferova
