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Learn how to define custom environment values in SwiftUI, eliminate boilerplate with the @Entry macro in Xcode 16, and pass data through the view hierarchy efficiently.
Set a custom background, like an image or a translucent material, for SwiftUI sheets, popovers, and full-screen covers, and explicitly control the presentation color scheme.
Implement a high-performance lazy scrolling list in SwiftUI by efficiently reusing views for smooth scrolling with large datasets.
"SwiftUI Fundamentals" is a new book by Natalia Panferova that explores SwiftUI’s core principles and APIs in depth. It will help you build a solid foundation for using SwiftUI effectively in your projects.
Detect window focus with the appearsActive environment value to adjust UI and handle focus changes.
Verify SwiftUI app state restoration using the Xcode simulator by following the correct steps, including backgrounding the app and relaunching it.
Handle multiple concurrent WebSocket messages per connection with Django Channels.
Starting with iOS 16.4, we can use the presentationCompactAdaptation(_:) modifier to tell SwiftUI that we prefer popover presentation even in compact size classes.
Explore noncopyable types in Swift and learn how they enforce stricter ownership rules to avoid unintended errors and resource conflicts.
Discover how to use the @Observable macro in SwiftUI and its advantages over ObservableObject, such as more efficient view updates and simplified code management.
This post will walk you through all the necessary setup so that you can enable remote push notification functionality in your iOS project.
Take a closer look at AttributedString type and different attribute scopes it can contain. Explore how Apple system frameworks interpret available attributes and how to create your own.