View modifier for a custom hover effect in SwiftUI

In this article we will look into how to create a custom hover effect in SwiftUI and how to abstract this logic into a reusable view modifier.

As an example we'll take a tappable view that gets a pink background on hover. To detect if the user is hovering over a view, we can use onHover(perform:) method. We will save the current isHovered value into @State variable and use this variable to control the view's background.

struct EditView: View {
    @State private var isHovered = false
    var body: some View {
        .onTapGesture {
            // some action
        .background(isHovered ? : Color.clear)
                cornerRadius: 10,
                style: .continuous
        .onHover { isHovered in
            withAnimation {
                self.isHovered = isHovered

If we have multiple views in our app that get pink background on hover, then we need to repeat this logic for all of them. It would be nicer to create a ViewModifier that holds all of this logic and can be applied to any of our views.

struct PinkBackgroundOnHover: ViewModifier {
    @State private var isHovered = false
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
        .background(isHovered ? : Color.clear)
                cornerRadius: 10,
                style: .continuous
        .onHover { isHovered in
            withAnimation {
                self.isHovered = isHovered

extension View {
    func pinkBackgroundOnHover() -> some View {

Now we can just add our pinkBackgroundOnHover() modifier to any view in the app.

struct EditView: View {
    var body: some View {
        .onTapGesture {
            // some action

You can get the example code for this article from our GitHub.

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