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Posts covering APIs, tools and techniques specific for developing iPadOS apps
A simple method for rendering quadratic Bézier curves on the GPU in Metal without pre-processing geometry.
Starting from iPadOS 18, SwiftUI now allows us to present a form sheet, similar to UIModalPresentationStyle.formSheet.
The focusable() modifier now available on iPadOS 17 allows us to provide full keyboard navigation, even including custom views not focusable by default.
Starting from iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 we can now use ControlGroup to display a horizontal collection of actions in a context menu.
Let's look into the new inspector() presentation API in iOS 17, iPadOS 17 and macOS 14 and see how to customise its width on iPad and Mac, and how to change the sheet style it defaults to on iPhone.
Build an interactive bar chart in Swift Charts that displays detailed annotations when the user is hovering over bar marks.
Enable modified actions, such as command + click or shift + click, in a SwiftUI lifecycle application on iPad using GCKeyboard from the Game Controller framework.
Register when the pointer enters and exists view's bounds and get the mouse cursor location with onContinuousHover() modifier.
Let users rename items from the navigation title in the toolbar using the new navigationTitle() modifier that takes a binding.
Let users configure the visible items in the center area of the toolbar on iPadOS 16 to suit their personal workflows.
Find and replace feature is automatically supported by SwiftUI TextEditor, but we also have some APIs to customize its behavior, such as disable replace or present the find UI programmatically.
Use the new NavigationSplitView API with a column visibility parameter to programmatically control the visibility of the sidebar in multicolumn navigation in SwiftUI.
Let's try out the new SwiftUI navigation APIs introduced in beta 1 for iOS 16 and macOS 13: NavigationStack, NavigationSplitView and ways to set up programmatic navigation.
Change the style of navigation view in document based apps, by hiding the default view and adding our own.
In this article we will look into how to create a custom hover effect in SwiftUI and how to abstract this logic into a reusable view modifier.
Add keyboard shortcuts to a SwiftUI iOS/iPadOS app to improve user experience when using your app with an attached hardware keyboard.