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Posts covering APIs, tools and techniques for developing macOS apps
Learn how to build a macOS menu bar app in SwiftUI using MenuBarExtra, customize its icon, hide it from the Dock, and add essential features like a quit option.
Extend your app’s functionality to the entire macOS system by implementing services that users can access from the context menu or the Services menu in other apps.
Register your macOS app as a login item using SMAppService.
Display grammatically correct text effortlessly with Foundation's automatic grammar agreement, handling pluralization without extra logic.
Apply a translucent background to macOS windows using SwiftUI APIs, and adjust the toolbar background and title visibility to customize the window's appearance.
Lighten or darken colors in SwiftUI views using the brightness(_:) modifier.
To copy a string to the clipboard on macOS, we need to first clear it using clearContents(), unlike on iOS, where UIPasteboard automatically overwrites the existing data.
SwiftUI provides a simple way to set a view's background to a shape, like a capsule or rounded rectangle, using the background(_:in:fillStyle:) modifier.
Learn how to use matchedGeometryEffect() in SwiftUI to animate a capsule background that highlights the selected option in a custom segmented control.
Font modifiers in SwiftUI let us style text directly at the font level, offering precise control over typography in our apps.
Explore different ways to work with SwiftUI environment, including reading and setting values, creating custom environment keys, and using the environment to pass down actions and observable classes.
Discover how to use the @Observable macro in SwiftUI and its advantages over ObservableObject, such as more efficient view updates and simplified code management.
A simple method for rendering quadratic Bézier curves on the GPU in Metal without pre-processing geometry.
Learn how to adjust size, color, rendering modes, variable values, and design variants of SF Symbols in SwiftUI apps.
Using the overlay() modifier in SwiftUI, we can elegantly wrap text within another view, ensuring the text is positioned and sized relative to the primary content.
SwiftUI custom scenes enable the creation of modular, maintainable code, allowing for precise management of complex user interfaces and behavior across different platforms.
Take advantage of the new macOS 15 API to update SwiftUI views when modifier keys are pressed.
Learn how to use MapKit and SwiftUI to apply a gradient that follows a polyline, enhancing the visual appeal of your maps.
Discover how to leverage SwiftUI's versatile scene types, like WindowGroup, DocumentGroup, Settings, Window, and MenuBarExtra, to create efficient and dynamic macOS applications.
Learn how to use NWPathMonitor as an async sequence for real-time network status updates in your SwiftUI views.
Use the new instance properties of the ShapeStyle in iOS 17 to access hierarchical system background styles, such as secondary and tertiary background.
Add custom foreground styles such as gradients to words inside Text view in SwiftUI in iOS 17.
Let's look into the new inspector() presentation API in iOS 17, iPadOS 17 and macOS 14 and see how to customise its width on iPad and Mac, and how to change the sheet style it defaults to on iPhone.
Explore how to replace the position() modifier with a custom AnchoredPosition layout to improve flexibility in aligning views relative to an anchor point, and adjust the alignment dynamically based on available space.
Learn about different use cases for foregroundColor(), foregroundStyle() and tint() modifiers in SwiftUI to be able to choose the right API for the right purpose.
Build an interactive bar chart in Swift Charts that displays detailed annotations when the user is hovering over bar marks.
Enable modified actions, such as command + click or shift + click, in a SwiftUI lifecycle application on iPad using GCKeyboard from the Game Controller framework.
Register when the pointer enters and exists view's bounds and get the mouse cursor location with onContinuousHover() modifier.
Adjust the the default appearance of the ShareLink button using SwiftUI view modifiers such as labelStyle(), imageScale() and symbolVariant().
Find out how text modifiers are different from view modifiers in SwiftUI and how we can use them in our code to style portions of text.
Create a chart with the Swift Charts framework to show UV index throughout the day inspired by the iOS Weather app that dims the area up to the current time.
Add a gradient to a bar chart that stretches from top to bottom of the plot area rather than filling each individual mark.
Generate xcloc files that can be sent to translators directly from SwiftUI code and import translations back to create Localizable.strings files.
Programmatically dismiss presentations and pop views from the navigation stack in both pure SwiftUI and hybrid UIKIt/SwiftUI apps with the help of the dismiss action.
Display a self-updating date and time inside a SwiftUI Text view and prevent the UI from moving as the digits in the date change.
We can customize how the user navigates through focusable views in our macOS apps with the help of the new focusSection() modifier.
Build a bar chart using data with values of type Measurement<UnitDuration> that doesn't conform to Plottable by default.
Learn how to use the new openWindow action in SwiftUI to programmatically present new windows in macOS 13.
Learn how to change the default position of y-axis in Swift Charts by using chartYAxis() modifier.
Visualise data distributions by building a histogram and a 2D density plot with the new Swift Charts framework.
Starting from iOS 16 and macOS 13 we have a SwiftUI API to request App Store reviews. We can read requestReview property from the environment and call it as a function at the appropriate time.
Tap gesture in SwiftUI now provides the tap location and we can request it in local or global coordinate space.
Starting from iOS 16 and macOS 13 SwiftUI List view can automatically generate move and delete operations without the need of onDelete() and onMove() closures.
With enhanced text modifiers in iOS 16 and macOS 13, it's easy to animate changes to text styles such as font size and weight.
Draw a custom SwiftUI view to replace the symbols in a scatter plot in Swift Charts.
New ViewThatFits API introduced at WWDC 2022 lets us create more flexible layouts in constrained space. It can even help us detect if text is truncated and adapt our views accordingly.
Build a custom ridge chart with the new Swift Charts framework to show the distribution of a numeric variable for several groups.
Use the new NavigationSplitView API with a column visibility parameter to programmatically control the visibility of the sidebar in multicolumn navigation in SwiftUI.
Explore the capabilities of the new Swift Charts framework introduced at WWDC 2022 while making a stream graph with custom colour gradient and text labels.
Let's try out the new SwiftUI navigation APIs introduced in beta 1 for iOS 16 and macOS 13: NavigationStack, NavigationSplitView and ways to set up programmatic navigation.
Trigger actions with onChange() modifier in SwiftUI that depend on multiple properties changing by combining the logic in a computed property.
Find out about different ways we can provide feedback about new APIs to Apple engineers, ask questions during WWDC and get help from Apple experts and wider developer community.
Make use of ControlActiveState value in the environment to customize the appearance of key window on macOS in SwiftUI.
Take a closer look at AttributedString type and different attribute scopes it can contain. Explore how Apple system frameworks interpret available attributes and how to create your own.
Learn how to size and scale symbol images in SwiftUI and why we shouldn't use resizable() modifier with SF Symbols.
Add custom encoding and decoding logic for SwiftUI Color that is not Codable by default to be able to save it to disk or remote database.
Hide and show a view based on a setting or state without shifting the layout by using opacity() modifier in SwiftUI.
Look into how to insert images, formatted data, attributed strings etc. inside SwiftUI Text views by leveraging the power of string interpolation in LocalizedStringKey.
We have several ways to customize the visual style of links placed inside Text views in SwiftUI: tint() modifier, different Text modifiers and attributes in AttributedString.
SwiftUI Text views can automatically parse Markdown strings when created with LocalizedStringKey. Markdown isn't parsed when created with a String variable or with verbatim initializer.
Customize actions for links inside Text views in SwiftUI by using openURL environment value.
Set underline and strikethrough styles in AttributedString and display it with SwiftUI Text view.
Set a keypath to your model properties as FocusState value to avoid declaring custom enums to programmatically set focus and respond to focus changes.
Build sidebar navigation for your macOS app with the help of selection binding in List view and use SceneStroage for state restoration.
Allow users to select the contents of SwiftUI Text view, to be able to copy or share it, by applying textSelection() modifier.
Learn how to rapidly evaluate a polynomial function of variable size on the GPU without needing to write C++ Metal shaders.
Make use of the focused scene value API to pass data from the focused scene to the commands section of the app.
Avoid the conflict between the drag gesture and editing of text fields inside list rows and make focusing on text fields easier.
Add custom information and copyright to your app's About window on macOS when using the SwiftUI app lifecycle.
Integrate with UndoManager in SwiftUI by building a reusable UndoProvider view that can be used with any binding.
Provide state restoration for expanded rows in a SwiftUI List view with SceneStorage property wrapper.